Planet Earth is a School of Relationships

We are currently moving out of divisive relationships with self and others connected into fear and separation frequencies and into relationships based on love of self and others — authenticity, sovereignty and creativity.

We have relationships with others so we ultimately can heal our relationship with ourself. Develop our soul's mastery and heal our past life karma or patterns that caused us to step out of sovereignty and authenticity.

This is the time to see that all that is within our life is like a play being acted out and it is for us to learn the next level of soul mastery and heal the past patterns of wounding. Before we incarnate we agree to certain experiences and roles we will play. It is through unlocking the wound- the Chiron key in our astrological chart that allows us a tender and fierce glimpse into the brilliance of our soul and life purpose work. And where that wound has occurred within the chart with the specific planetary influences further imprints how it will impact our life and our path and what gifts and talents emerge by healing it.

If relationships lead us home to ourselves then even the challenging hold promise to heal what is challenging within our nature that desires to be loved and healed and freed from within as we step into manifesting our soul aspect in this life out of our wounds and deeper into our wholeness.


Unveiling the Path to Self-Discovery and Wellness


Intuition Over Authority