Intuition Over Authority
We are on a pivotal time on the planet where we are processing a deep ancient remembering of our gifts, talents and attributes and our telepathic nature. As the ancient wisdom manifests our intuitive nature accelerates and instead of giving our body's natural ability to self heal over to doctors, religious figures, teachers, governments or authorities outside of ourselves we are being invited to go within and listen deeply to our body's wisdom and lift outdated authority imprints that keep cycles of unease and dis-ease going at the cost of ourselves.
The traumas of yesterday and unprocessed emotions from them are being purged through the self healing process and self love frequencies pouring onto the planet to transmute the suppressed emotions that keeps people triggered and deferring to authority to tell them what to do and how to make the uncomfortable and unconscious emotions, triggers and patterns to stop. While we need support and love from one another, and even partnerships with people we trust, we are at a time to go within and listen to the invitations and deep knowings we hold to fully step into our sovereignty, authenticity and intuitive nature. This will support our natural self healing abilities to fully manifest. For what one person needs to activate their self healing nature another may need something different. Discerning what the optimal stimulate is for your healing journey matters and often changes as you transform.
Want support to learn more how your intuition works for you? Join a small group cohort this January Intuitive Development 1 & 2 to discover and reclaim your intuitive, telepathic, sentient nature — you truly are a divine being having a human experience.